Saturday, March 8, 2008


First IBO Rebellion has announced last week that a Georgia judge ruled the Quixtar restrictive covenant unenforcible, and a Texas court ruled the Quixtar arbitration process is illusory and unenforcible. The legal tide is turning, but the fight will go on for a long time. The IBO legal defense fund needs all of us to help. So here go's the next challenge. I know you're all hungry students and reading has become a habit so every time you open a team system book this week please remember to put 1 quarter into the IBO Legal defense fund jar. Please remember your reading that book and reaping great rewards from it. Please remember that the men and women in the middle of this fight went through years of being out night after night for many years back when it wasn't team approach and they had to break Amway kits when a new person signed up and it was impossible to grow that business. They did that so you could reap benefits from the book your reading. Get in the fight. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

H.A.M. says:
Today is March 10th and many of us "free radicals" have been held “at bay”, waiting to show our true colors.

Big Bad Q, you may be able to distract some with your nepotism (Nepotism is a common accusation in politics when the relative of a powerful figure ascends to similar power seemingly without appropriate qualifications) lead lawsuits, spending your daddy's money; however you will not beat us on the open field! History will write itself, not you. You are not the author of “our” destiny, GOD is, and everyday you go down the path you follow, you fall closer into the hands of Satan. Try GOD out, if it does not work out Satan will always take you back.

A new chapter has been started my fellow warriors, let’s show them how fast and how many Power Players will show up in June. The glory will go to GOD, unsheathe the sword and let the battle begin!

Anonymous said...

Do you have any documents on the Texas ruling you mention?
I would be interested in reading it, or is that the Morrison case.
It is all running together.
I need a day off.

Ian from Texas